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Lan and Yvette, two GTA-based women/best friends, were diagnosed with breast cancer within four days of each other. They attended Look Good Feel Better at Sunnybrook after worrying about how their hair loss would affect their family.

Lan and Yvette, two GTA-based women/best friends, were diagnosed with breast cancer within four days of each other. They attended Look Good Feel Better at Sunnybrook after worrying about how their hair loss would affect their family.

Look Good Feel Better’s project Women with Cancer Coping with Hair Loss has been selected as one of 10 charity finalists in a contest organized  by the Industrial Alliance in Quebec. The charity that receives the most votes will win $125,000 to launch a new project and the nine runners up will score $12,500. 

Look Good Feel Better is committed to helping women living with cancer to feel more like themselves through support groups and makeup workshops. In its research, the organization found that a key concern of women living with cancer is hair loss, and the worry about how their children might react. The Women with Cancer Coping with Hair Loss program will be focused on the effects of hair loss, which has a huge impact on the self-esteem of cancer patients, with haircare professionals teaching styling tips for wigs and thinning hair, scarf-tying demonstrations, as well as information about how to prepare for hair loss and care for your scalp.

Click here and scroll down to Women with Cancer Coping with Hair Loss and cast your vote by November 30 to help Look Good Feel Better win $125,000 and help  improve the self-esteem of women across Canada. 

Lisa Elder was worried about hair loss after being diagnosed with breast cancer. A Look Good Feel Better workshop at Sunnybrook put her at ease - she even had the other women voting on their favourite wig.

Lisa Elder was worried about hair loss after being diagnosed with breast cancer. A Look Good Feel Better workshop at Sunnybrook put her at ease - she even had the other women voting on their favourite wig.

Nisreen attended Look Good Feel Better a few years ago and said that she learned skills to help her regain a sense of control in her life.

Nisreen attended Look Good Feel Better a few years ago and said that she learned skills to help her regain a sense of control in her life.

Heather Marrin